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  • The universities are the homes both of learning and of research, as well as of recorded knowledge
  • Although they do often receive guild funding for particular research, the universities have broadly remained independent, and although they don’t have much of a political voice are powerful as repositories of information
  • There are a large number of independent institutions, many with a proud heritage stretching back hundreds of years, though there are also more modern ones. Some are notably richer and more famous than others and more powerful as such.
  • Universities attract scholarly types who are attuned to the elements in all sorts of ways, or in no particular way that they have pursued
  • There is something of an inclination towards them from those who are interested in the chromatic and hedronic forms, as they are seen as the more pure forms, useful for the study for the elements as a whole rather than through specific lenses
  • There are a large number of researchers on the mission, including theoretical researchers and magisters, as the planet’s peculiar elemental alignment is of great theoretical interest.
    • There are a few undergraduate students but it’s broadly graduates sponsored by the university etc
universities.1511559770.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/24 21:42 by gm_mike