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Curiosity is a proposal to replace the current Live Action Roleplaying Game (LARP) run in Shotover Country Park in Oxford (UK) on Saturday afternoons under the auspices of OURPGSoc (the Oxford University RolePlaying Games Society). It is run by a LARPO team consisting of Mike, Matilda, and Jasper Rose.

It is a science-fantasy setting, centred around the exploration of an unusual planet, in which all of the regions of the planet are strongly aspected towards one of the fundemental elements of the universe. Players will travel the world, seeking out interesting and useful things, help to construct a outpost starting from the first landing on the planet, and uncover the mysteries of this strange place.

While Memento Mundi is ending at the end of Hilary Term 2018, we do not intend to begin Curiosity until the summer of 2018. The intention is for the 36h1) to be the kick off event for the system, covering the landing on the planet and the initial days of the outpost, which will hopefully allow for enough adventures between then and the start of term to give a solid grounding for the system, while still having it be relatively new and flexible for the freshers. Between the end of Memento Mundi and the 36 hour, we will be allowing GMs to run one shots, mini campaigns, or similar, and running further playtests of our system to iron out the wrinkles or try different ideas which may or may not be implemented in the final system.

Please email with any questions.

1) a weekend long LARP event run in the Oxford University system
start.1511270765.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/21 13:26 by gm_mike