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  • Gods are beings made up to two elements, and two elements only, in harmony with each other
  • The gods are metaphysical beings who are not known to manifest physically, but may channel themselves through individuals or talk to them in dreams
  • They have powers beyond human reckoning: holy books record incredible feats
  • More people will experience the gods through the gifts they give to their priests, and the lesser blessings they grant to their lay worshippers

Aria, God of Air and Metal

  • God associated with beauty, creativity and perfection, capable of seeing the beauty in everything that the world has to offer
  • Supercilious towards humans, protective over beautiful things and inclined to anger if their will is ignored

Herrell, God of Metal and Water

  • God associated with industry and trade
  • Very practical, benevolent towards humans but intolerant of inefficiency

Ivasha, God of Water and Salt

  • God associated with war, power and strategy
  • Restrained and taciturn, dislike of inelegance and brute force
  • Out of style now that the age of battle is past….

Minn, God of Salt and Energy

  • God associated with curiosity, emotions, exploration
  • Perfectionist, idealistic, obsessive. Calls on humans to drive themselves as far as they can go - and further
  • Drove people to explore the stars, and this planet in particular

Luphesie, God of Energy and Air

  • The God of life and growing things, as well as of nature and wild things.
  • Friendly, yet easily distracted but the next shiny thing to come along
religion.1511559747.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/24 21:42 by gm_mike