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- Skills
For GMs
Real World
For Players
Setting Information
Exploration Reports
System Information
For GMs
Real World
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You may use light armour, and gain the benefits from wearing it.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None
You may use a shield to block blows in melee combat.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None
You add an extra 2HP to your maximum number.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None
While wearing armour (either light or heavy) you may call SELF FORTIFY one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Use Light Armour
You may use heavy armour, and gain the benefits from wearing it.
XP Cost: 8
Prerequisite: Advanced Armour Use
You add an extra 2HP to your maximum number.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Extra Hits 1
You add an extra 1HP to your maximum number.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: Extra Hits 2
With ten (10) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call STABILISE on an unconscious, human character, one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 2
Prerequisite: None
With ten (10) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call STABILISE on an unconscious, human character, any number of times per encounter.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: Emergency Stabilisation
With ten (10) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call HEAL 2 on a human character, one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: Stabilisation
You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow with a one handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None
You may call DISARM by blow with a one handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None
You may double the number of calls this tree gives you access to when wielding a one handed weapon in each hand.
XP Cost: 7
Prerequisite: None
You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow with a one handed weapon, two (2) times per encounter.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: Heavy Blow
You may call DISARM by blow with a one handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Biting Steel
You may call WOUND by blow with a one handed weapon, two (2) times per encounter.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None
For three (3) encounters per adventure, you may make any call on this tree every ten (10) seconds.
XP Cost: 12
Prerequisite: Any two of: Staggering Blow, Elegant Parry, or Hamstrung
You may use a Two-Handed weapon while in combat.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None
You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow with a two-handed weapon, two (2) times per encounter.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None
You may call WOUND by blow with a two-handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None
You may call DISARM by blow with a two-handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None
You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow with a two-handed weapon, two (2) times per encounter.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: Weight of Iron
You may call WOUND by blow with a two-handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Sunder
Five (5) times per adventure, when making a call from this tree, you may apply the modifier PERMANENT to it.
XP Cost: 10
Prerequisite: Any two of: Hilt-Strike, Beaten Down, and Broken Limbs
Due to one reason or another, your character is more than averagely wealthy. While this is not given an exact number it makes it easier for you to acquire the goods and services you need, and money opens all sorts of doors.
XP Cost: 8
Prerequisite: None
While you would have be considered very wealthy back on the homeland, out here on the new world you are one of the most wealthy people, full stop. Most day to day expenses are trivial, and even those things which are rare to non-existent this far from home are within your grasp.
XP Cost: 14
Prerequisite: Advanced Wealth
You have good relationships with an organisation. This may be one of the guilds, one of the churches, one of the divisions of the ship heirarchy, or any other organisation on the planet. People from that organisation will generally be well disposed to you. This skill may be taken multiple times, choosing a different organisation each time.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None
Your relationship with your contact is such that you can call on them for a favour once per adventure. This favour should be something within that organisation's purview which will not cause significant harm to that organisation or their interests. For most organisations, this will be limited to actions within Landfall. This skill may be taken once for each of your “Contacts” skills.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Contacts
You have access to the knowledge of your contact. Twice per adventure, while in radio contact with Landfall, you can ask them a question and will receive answers to the best of their ability. Complicated or obscure questions are unlikely to receive immediate answers due to the time needed for research. This skill may be taken once for each of your “Contacts” skills.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: Contacts
You have a wide breadth of knowledge on a subject. Choose any subject other than an element, lens, or god. Your character is well informed on that subject. This skill may be taken multiple times, choosing a different subject each time.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None
You have a wide breadth of knowledge on a metaphysical subject. Choose one of the elements, one of the lenses, or one of the gods. Your character is well informed on that subject, and keeps up to date with current research. This skill may be taken multiple times, choosing a different subject each time.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None
You are notably skilled at a particular art form, for example painting, sculpture, singing, dance, or a particular instrument. This skill may be taken multiple times, choosing a different talent each time.
XP cost: 2
Prerequisites: None
You are capable of making leaps of logic within your fields. If you come across something which is related to your Metaphysical Knowledge subjects, but previously unknown to science, you can take a decent guess at what is going on. This may give you a mechanical advantage when dealing with that thing, at GM discretion.
XP Cost: 7
Prerequisite: Metaphysical Knowledge
From observing the local wildlife, you can get a reasonable idea of what position it holds in the ecosystem (predator or prey), and what it might do. When you have an opportunity to observe a plant or animal peacefully, you may ask the GM for an additional briefing, which will usually give an idea of its capabilities, and how aggressive it might be.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None
You are skilled with your hands, and adept at making things disappear. This skill may be used for pickpocketing, lockpicking, hiding small items (up to the size of an apple), and magic tricks.
XP Cost: 4
Prerequisite: None
You can disguise yourself sufficiently to look like a generic person, and will not be recognisable as yourself unless under close inspection.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None
You can make a good copy of any document you have seen, or make something which is convincingly official for a document you have not seen. For example, you could make a security pass which would get you past anyone who didn't know what the real security passes looked like, or you could copy a real security pass if you can get your hands on one.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand
You can hide items up to the size of a 36 inch weapon on your person sufficiently well that they will not be discovered when you are searched by mundane means, except by someone who also has this skill.
XP Cost: 7
Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand
You are able to disguise yourself to look like a person from a specific organisation. This will generally be sufficient to get you into places where any member of that organisation could go, but does not let you mimic a specific person. For example, by disguising yourself as a member of a university, you could enter university grounds and get into lectures without difficulty, but would have to come up with a good story to get into small tutorials or into the bursar's office. This may require some effort to obtain the correct materials. When purchasing this skill, you may choose 3 organisations for which you have a costume prepared already.
XP Cost: 8
Prerequisite: Disguise
You may use Simple Disguise or Master of Disguise (if you have it) on other people, if they are willing. Use of Master of Disguise requires you to obtain enough costume for everyone you wish to disguise.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Disguise
Once per adventure, you can construct a disguise which will allow you to convincingly pass as a person who you have studied. The amount of study you have done on the person will affect how convincing the disguise is. At best, only people who know the person particularly well (e.g. close friends or family) will notice the deception, unless you are acting particularly different to how they would act. This may require significant effort to obtain the correct materials.
XP Cost: 10
Prerequisite: Master of Disguise, Forgery
You are generally good at moving quietly and keeping yourself hidden so you can report what is ahead. You may choose to scout ahead of the group, which may allow you to observe the next encounter. Occasionally, this may get you into trouble, but it will generally be a useful source of information.
XP Cost: 4
Prerequisite: None
You gain one RESIST per encounter, which may only be used against environmental hazards (i.e. not against animal or human opponents).
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None
You may begin any encounter in cover away from the main party, and at least 5 metres from any monsters, provided you scouted that encounter.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: Scout
When your party is ambushed, you may immediately call DISAPPEARING and you then have 5 seconds to relocate to any location.
XP cost: 10
Prerequisite: Flanking
All cybernetics skills have an elemental affinity. You may not take cybernetics skills from more than 2 elements.
You may call SELF HEAL 3 once per encounter.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None
The first time you are reduced to zero hits in each adventure, you may call SELF STABILISE.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None
You count as wearing light armour, even if your equipment is removed. Armour type must still be physrepped, but you may physrep this with metallic face paint if desired.
XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Use Light Armour
You may call RESIST to one WOUND call per encounter.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None
You may call RESIST to one call delivered by blow per encounter.
XP Cost: 8
Prerequisite: None
You may call REPEL at range once per encounter.
XP Cost: 4
Prerequisite: None
You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow 2 times per encounter or WOUND one time per encounter.
XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None
Once per encounter, you may call EXPOSE against someone who has just hit you in melee.
XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None