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Core Skills

Defence Tree

Basic Skills

Use Light Armour

You may use light armour, and gain the benefits from wearing it.

XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None

Use Shield

You may use a shield to block blows in melee combat.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None

Extra Hits 1

You add an extra 2HP to your maximum number.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None

Advanced Skills

Advanced Armour Use

While wearing armour (either light or heavy) you may call SELF FORTIFY one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Use Light Armour

Use Heavy Armour

You may use heavy armour, and gain the benefits from wearing it.

XP Cost: 8
Prerequisite: Advanced Armour Use

Extra Hits 2

You add an extra 2HP to your maximum number.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Extra Hits 1

Extra Hits 3

You add an extra 1HP to your maximum number.

XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: Extra Hits 2

Healing Tree

Basic Skills

Emergency Stabilisation

With ten (10) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call STABILISE on an unconscious, human character, one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 2
Prerequisite: None

Advanced Skills


With ten (10) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call STABILISE on an unconscious, human character, any number of times per encounter.

XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: Emergency Stabilisation


With ten (10) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call HEAL 2 on a human character, one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: Stabilisation

One-Handed Focus

Basic Skills

Heavy Blow

You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow with a one handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None

Biting Steel

You may call DISARM by blow with a one handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 3
Prerequisite: None

Advanced Skills

Duel Wielding Proficiency

You may double the number of calls this tree gives you access to when wielding a one handed weapon in each hand.

XP Cost: 7
Prerequisite: None

Staggering Blow

You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow with a one handed weapon, two (2) times per encounter.

XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: Heavy Blow

Elegant Parry

You may call DISARM by blow with a one handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Biting Steel


You may call WOUND by blow with a one handed weapon, two (2) times per encounter.

XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None

Capstone Skills

Hail of Blows

For three (3) encounters per adventure, you may make any call on this tree every ten (10) seconds.

XP Cost: 12
Prerequisite: Any two of: Staggering Blow, Elegant Parry, or Hamstrung

Two-Handed Focus

Basic Skills

Use Two-Handed Weapon

You may use a Two-Handed weapon while in combat.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None

Weight of Iron

You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow with a two-handed weapon, two (2) times per encounter.

XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: None


You may call WOUND by blow with a two-handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None

Advanced Skills


You may call DISARM by blow with a two-handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: None

Beaten Down

You may call STRIKEDOWN by blow with a two-handed weapon, two (2) times per encounter.

XP Cost: 6
Prerequisite: Weight of Iron

Broken Limbs

You may call WOUND by blow with a two-handed weapon, one (1) time per encounter.

XP Cost: 5
Prerequisite: Sunder

Capstone Skills

Fatal Strike

Five (5) times per adventure, when making a call from this tree, you may apply the modifier PERMANENT to it.

XP Cost: 10
Prerequisite: Any two of: Hilt-Strike, Beaten Down, and Broken Limbs

Wealth Skills

Advanced Skills

Advanced Wealth

Due to one reason or another, your character is more than averagely wealthy. While this is not given an exact number it makes it easier for you to acquire the goods and services you need, and money opens all sorts of doors.

XP Cost: 8
Prerequisite: None

Capstone Skills


While you would have be considered very wealthy back on the homeland, out here on the new world you are one of the most wealthy people, full stop. Most day to day expenses are trivial, and even those things which are rare to non-existent this far from home are within your grasp.

XP Cost: 14
Prerequisite: Advanced Wealth

core_skills.1511559833.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/24 21:43 by gm_mike