For Players
Setting Information
Exploration Reports
System Information
- Skills
For GMs
Real World
For Players
Setting Information
Exploration Reports
System Information
For GMs
Real World
This is an old revision of the document!
At base, characters have 15 hits. Hits are global, and all areas are valid targets except for the head. Hits to a hand holding a weapon (up to the wrist) count as a hit to the weapon. Hands which are holding non-LARP safe objects should not be hit, as this may damage the LARP weapon.
Against an unarmoured target, strikes with a 1 handed weapon deal 3 hits (TRIPLE) - this does not need to be called.
Against an unarmoured target, strikes with a 2 handed weapon deal 5 hits (QUINT) - this does not need to be called. 2 handed weapons are those above 36 inches and held in two hands, or any weapon above 50 inches1).
If you cannot tell what hit you (e.g. for a strike from behind), then that strike deals 5 hits (QUINT).
You take at most one strike per second from each person attacking you (e.g. if you have 3 people attacking you with 1 handed weapons, you will be taking at most 9 damage per second).
Light armour reduces melee damage by 1 - so 1h weapons deal 2 hits, and 2h weapons (or unseen strikes) deal 4 hits.
Heavy armour reduces melee damage by 2 - so 1h weapons deal 1 hit, and 2h weapons (or unseen strikes) deal 3 hits.
Being under the effect of the EXPOSE call increases all melee damage taken by 1. Being under the effect of the FORTIFY call reduces all melee damage taken by 1. (See Calls, below)
Armour Type | 1h weapon | 2h Weapon |
None (Exposed) | 4 hits | 6 hits |
None | 3 hits | 5 hits |
Light | 2 hits | 4 hits |
Heavy | 1 hits | 3 hits |
Heavy (Fortified) | 0 hits | 2 hits |
Ranged damage must be called (SINGLE, DOUBLE, TRIPLE, up to a maximum of OCT). Calls (including both effect calls and ranged damage calls) may only be made once every 5 seconds. Ranged damage is not affected by armour.
Armour type must be physrepped. If physrepped by costume, armour made from a rigid material (e.g. thick leather, metal plate or chain, lightweight equivalents which represent metal, or motocross armour) is heavy, and armour made from flexible materials (e.g. thin leather (with or without studs), or thick fabric such as a gambeson) is light. Alternatively, armour type can be physrepped with the sashes provided in the main kit bags - light armour is represented by a single sash across the chest, heavy armour is represented by two sashes in opposite directions crossing over the chest.2)
You may only wear light or heavy armour if you have the appropriate skill. Some skills will indicate that they cannot be used with certain armour types.
Armour protects your whole body, no matter what it covers OC. Where LARP kit is used, there should be a sufficient amount that it is clearly intended to be armour (judged on a case by case basis) - you may be required to wear a sash if the GM running that week does not agree that the physrep is sufficiently obvious. This is no judgement on how good the physrep looks, merely on how obvious it will be in combat.
When you are reduced to 0 hits, you are incapacitated. You cannot be reduced below zero hits3). For the first 30 seconds, provided you are not hit again, you may roleplay being in pain on the ground and call for help, but may not take any other action (e.g. crawling). If it would be unsafe to remain where you are, you should move OC to a safer area, and then go back to the ground and roleplay as appropriate. Hits taken as you are falling to the ground or moving OC to safety do not count, and nor do effect calls. After the first 30 seconds or as soon as you get hit again, your character is unconscious and cannot make any sound or action (except for OC safety - e.g. shouting a warning to someone about to back into you, or moving out of the way). After a further 30 seconds from when your character became unconscious, your character dies.
The STABILISE call will prevent a character from bleeding out. Their death count immediately stops. If they were unconscious, they remain unconscious. Any melee blow or SLAY call to a stabilised character will restart their death count (i.e. as if they had just dropped to zero hits). The HEAL call has no effect on a character who is bleeding out.
All calls last for 5 seconds, unless:
You may not make a call more often than every 5 seconds.
If you are hit by a call while already under the effect of the same call, then the duration stacks (e.g. if you are hit by SHOCK twice within 5s, then you are SHOCKed for a total of 10 seconds. If you are hit by EXPOSE twice within 5s, then you are EXPOSED for 15 seconds, 5s for the first, then 10s for the second). The effect of the call does not stack (e.g. being hit by expose twice will not reduce your armour by 2 ranks).
Calls may be delivered by a weapon strike to a valid target (the blow does damage as normal, in addition), or at range. Calls which are underlined can be delivered by a weapon strike to a weapon or shield. Calls marked with a target in brackets require that target to be called when used at range (in melee, the target is wherever the weapon struck, or the closest limb if it struck the torso)
For ranged calls, you must clearly specify who you are targeting, either by pointing (if sufficiently clear), OC name, character name, or a brief description - e.g. (pointing) “You, MUTE”, “Ellie, STRIKEDOWN”, “Dammerung, REPEL”, or “Orange cloak, EXPOSE”. This includes ranged calls made during melee combat, where “You, (CALL)” will often be sufficient. If someone does not appear to take the call, you may repeat it once (not counting towards the 5s limit).
Calls delivered by a melee blow will always deal damage (as per a normal melee strike with that weapon). Ranged calls may include a damage component (e.g. DOUBLE STRIKEDOWN). The damage component is a necessary part of the call unless a skill says otherwise (i.e. if you have a skill which allows you to call DOUBLE STRIKEDOWN, you may not call STRIKEDOWN on its own using that skill).
All healing calls are instantaneous, and not affected by EXPOSE
These may be applied to any offensive or healing call.
A call may have at most one range modifier, and at most one other modifier, e.g. “ARC BACKSTAB STUN”, “BLAST DOUBLE STRIKEDOWN” or “MASS PERMANENT MUTE”. Multiple range or other modifiers may not be combined (e.g. MASS BLAST TAUNT is not valid, and nor is BACKSTAB DOUBLE POISON).