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religion [2017/11/24 21:42] gm_mike created |
religion [2018/01/25 22:48] (current) gm_mike |
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======Religion====== | ======Religion====== | ||
- | * Gods are beings made up to two elements, and two elements only, in harmony with each other | + | Although by no means ubiquitous, religion is an important aspect of most people’s lives. Even for those who do not worship any specific god, the Churches exert a considerable moral and political influence over people’s lives. For those who do, they provide both a spiritual guiding point and a means of interacting with those outside of the natural social circles of interest groups. |
- | * The gods are metaphysical beings who are not known to manifest physically, but may channel themselves through individuals or talk to them in dreams | + | |
- | * They have powers beyond human reckoning: holy books record incredible feats | + | The gods are a unique sort of being in that, science shows, they are only made up of two elements. The gods, in some sense, exist outside and apart from the universe, but can wield influence wherever their two elements interact. |
- | * More people will experience the gods through the gifts they give to their priests, and the lesser blessings they grant to their lay worshippers | + | |
+ | Because they are , in some respect, omnipresent, the gods do not manifest physically. There are myths and legends of such manifestations occurring, but nothing recent enough to be examined by modern science. Instead, the gods channel their power through individuals, or talk to them in dreams. They may also cause miraculous things to happen under their own power. Some scholars are rumoured to have attempted to seek more direct access to the gods, by creating isolated constructs of only two elements, but the churches consider this to be heretical, and the result of such experiments, if they exist, have not been published. Others have questioned whether gods may exist which correspond to other elemental pairings, but if they do then they have not seen fit to bestow their blessings on humanity. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Although holy books record incredible feats performed by gods and their chosen representatives, the majority of people will experience the gods only through the rather one-sided interaction of prayer, or through witnessing the smaller gifts that they give to their priests. | ||
====Aria, God of Air and Metal==== | ====Aria, God of Air and Metal==== | ||
- | * God associated with beauty, creativity and perfection, capable of seeing the beauty in everything that the world has to offer | + | As the god of Air and Metal, Aria is associated with creation and physicality. They are the god of beauty and creativity, and strive for dynamism, growth and improvement. In some respects, they are a nature god, as much of nature is about growth, and nature is, in some respects, perfect and beautiful already. They are also a god of healing and mending: restoring things to their original perfection. |
- | * Supercilious towards humans, protective over beautiful things and inclined to anger if their will is ignored | + | |
+ | Aria is not known for being particularly interested in humanity: their attitude might best be described as 'supercilious'. However, they have been known to favour those who create and preserve beauty, and work in their favour. All of their avatars have, without exception, been incredibly beautiful - though not necessarily always conventionally so. Then again, once someone is known to be an avatar of Aria, convention tends to catch up and declare them the ideal standard of humanity. | ||
====Herrell, God of Metal and Water==== | ====Herrell, God of Metal and Water==== | ||
- | * God associated with industry and trade | + | Herrell is a deeply practical god, associated with industry and trade. Material objects, brute force, machinery and transport all fall under their domain. They hate inefficiency and waste; decoration and art are considered useless when there are more practical things that could be done. |
- | * Very practical, benevolent towards humans but intolerant of inefficiency | + | |
- | | + | Despite their dislike of frivolity, Herrell is benevolent towards humanity. Ships blessed by Herrell sail the seas and workshops operate in their name. They are also a very popular god, their association with industry making them a natural choice for many guildmembers. Their avatars tend to come from ranks of the unassuming and industrious. |
====Ivasha, God of Water and Salt==== | ====Ivasha, God of Water and Salt==== | ||
- | * God associated with war, power and strategy | ||
- | * Restrained and taciturn, dislike of inelegance and brute force | ||
- | * Out of style now that the age of battle is past.... | ||
+ | Water and Salt are elements of force, but also order. Ivasha, therefore, is a god of war. They are associated with power and strategy, planning before you act. While they are primarily active in the battlefield, in some ways they view all areas of conflict as a battlefield, whether that be sibling rivalry or vying for promotion. However, as armed conflict has subsided so has the popularity of Ivasha. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Their manner of dealing with humans is restrained and taciturn. they appreciate elegance, simplicity and intelligence, and have no time for those who blunder or act the fool. Their avatars are almost always those who have already proven themselves in some respect. | ||
====Minn, God of Salt and Energy==== | ====Minn, God of Salt and Energy==== | ||
- | * God associated with curiosity, emotions, exploration | + | The god of Salt and Energy is associated with curiosity and exploration, with emotions tempered by rational thought and logic. They are fascinated by all new information to the point of obsession and drive people to work to and beyond their limits in the pursuit of knowledge and new things |
- | * Perfectionist, idealistic, obsessive. Calls on humans to drive themselves as far as they can go - and further | + | |
- | * Drove people to explore the stars, and this planet in particular | + | |
+ | Of all the gods, Minn is the most involved with humanity, in some ways seeing people as their creation, or perhaps students. They call on people directly and tell them to explore the limits of possibility, making them popular among academics and the naturally curious. Recently, they seem to have been pushing people towards space exploration, including, notably, the Curiosity mission. | ||
====Luphesie, God of Energy and Air==== | ====Luphesie, God of Energy and Air==== | ||
- | * The God of life and growing things, as well as of nature and wild things. | + | Luphesie is the god of new life and growing things, as well as of nature and wild things. They shirk responsibility and settling down and encourage free flight, exploration and following the whims of one's own desire. |
- | * Friendly, yet easily distracted but the next shiny thing to come along | + | |
+ | Towards humans, they are friendly, yet don't seem to hold humanity in a particularly high position: rather, humans and their ideas hold exactly as much interest as everything else. Their attention tends to land, and then flit away. For this reason, they have also come to be regarded by some as the god of chance, risk and luck. |