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ship_hierarchy [2017/11/24 21:43]
gm_mike created
ship_hierarchy [2018/01/25 22:49] (current)
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 ======Ship Hierarchy====== ======Ship Hierarchy======
-  * The //New World// has a large crew as well as all of the passengers. The ship’s captain is a Starfarer in her late forties called Jocasta Goldsgear.  +A unique feature ​of the Curiosity ​mission is that of the ship itself. The mission is multidisciplinary exercise on a scale never seen before, needing people with a wide range of different talents and abilities to ensure that the ship can runAlthough comingin fact, from many different interest groups, ​for the purposes ​of the mission these people have been grouped together into a singleunified body: that of the //​Curiosity//​’s crew
-  * As the mission is run by the Guild of Starfarers, many of the members of the crew are members of this guild. Many are also members of other guilds, such as guilds of crafting and so on.  +
-    * Not all members of the Guild are Starfarers in the metaphysical sense. +
-  * The primary divisions in the ship are the bridge crew, engineering and production. The bridge crew also includes ​fairly small body of enforcement crew who have been enacting discipline aboard ​the ship.  +
-  * Once the ship lands, many of the crew who have dual membership of guilds are likely to work for the second guild they are part of. Some, including ​the core crewwill continue maintenance and running ​of the ship+
-====Bridge ​and Enforcement====+The main body of the crew comes from the Voidstar Navigation Corps, who are running the mission in conjunction with the Church of Minn. Many members of the Voidstars, ​and thus the crew, are starfarers in the traditional sense: their attunement with fundamental forces is needed to power and steer the ship. Many, however, are not. 
-  * The bridge crew is broadly senior navigators finding their way through ​the stars. These are broadly Starfarers, and they will not be playable characters,  +The captain of the ship is Jocasta Goldgeara starfarer in her late forties ​and senior member ​of the Voidstars. She is joined at the helm by Leopold Savona, a senior member ​of the Church ​of Minn, whose role is to ensure that things continue to go to plan. Directly underneath them are the bridge crew and navigators, along with the engineering corps and a large productive and administrative team
-  * A large team of Starfarers ​is need to navigate the ship through ​the void using their particular understanding ​of the fundamental aspect ​of the elements.  +
-  * The enforcement will act to keep law and order and prevent those who might have criminal bent+
-====Engineering====+Once the ship lands, many of the crew who membership of guilds who have paid for passage are likely to work for that guild, having earnt passage rather than bought it. Some, including the core crew, will continue maintenance and running of the ship. 
-  * Under the head of engineering is a large team of engineers with various specialities. ​ 
-  * Many of these have some kind of attunement to the elemental materials, and are Crafters. Some are Starfarers who use their attunement to space to improve the ship. Some have merely an ordinary, rather than metaphysical,​ understanding of engineering. ​ 
-====Production====+====Bridge and Navigation====
-  * Under the head of production ​is an administrative ​team that organises ​the production ​of food and necessary material goodsas well as medics+The bridge crew is broadly composed of senior navigators, most of them starfarers. The bridge serves as a point of coordination across all divisions of the ship, as well as being the room containing the majority of instruments for navigation.  
 +Below the senior navigators in the bridge is a fairly sizeable crew of navigators who interface with the ship itself in order to ensure that it is running properly, keeping up to speed and on course. The majority of these people have some form of cybernetic access points installed in order to help them efficiently keep the ship running, as the continuous interfacing with both machinery and the fundamental forces of the universe can have quite a strain on the body and the mind. 
 +Under the head of the engineering department ​is a large team dedicated to repairing ​the //​Curiosity///​ and its instruments,​ and ensuring the general smooth running ​of all essential technology. Most people in the engineering corps are members of other guilds, in particular the Shipwright ​and Elemental Metalsmiths. Many of themtoo, have particular understandings of the elementally-attuned materials that comprise most of the ship, and some are starfarers who use their understanding of fundamental forces to improve the ship. Some are simply very well-trained engineers 
 +Under the head of production is an administrative team that organises the production of food and necessary material goods, as well as medics. ​
ship_hierarchy.1511559781.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/24 21:43 by gm_mike