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proposed_changes [2017/12/02 19:15]
gm_mike [Damage and Armour]
proposed_changes [2017/12/02 19:19] (current)
gm_mike [Healing]
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 Add healing to more classes, and improve the core skills healing tree. Add healing to more classes, and improve the core skills healing tree.
-Priest of Aria feels like about the right rate of healing, other classes are likely to be more mass healing (magisters),​ more burst healing (i.e. higher ​amounts ​but limited use) (adept?), or bonus between encounter stuff (crafter? - potentially allow upgrading one person'​s armour for an encounter?​).+Priest of Aria feels like about the right rate of healing, other classes are likely to be more mass healing (magisters) ​at lower rate, more burst healing (i.e. higher ​rate but limited use) (adept?), or bonus between encounter stuff (crafter? - potentially allow upgrading one person'​s armour for an encounter?​).
 Starfarer'​s probably don't get their own healing, because it's basically impossible to make fit with their metaphysic in a way that doesn'​t result in time travel being a thing - but their ability to bug out of encounters likely gives them enough support utility. Starfarer'​s probably don't get their own healing, because it's basically impossible to make fit with their metaphysic in a way that doesn'​t result in time travel being a thing - but their ability to bug out of encounters likely gives them enough support utility.
proposed_changes.1512242136.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/12/02 19:15 by gm_mike