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contents [2017/09/27 12:06] external edit
contents [2018/01/26 21:09] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +  * [[Start]] 
 +  * <​del>​[[introlarp|What is Larp?​]]</​del>​ 
 +  * [[catpolicy|Acceptable Themes Policy]] 
 +  * <​del>​[[changelog|System Changelog]]</​del>​ 
 +  * <​del>​[[feedbackform|Provide Feedback]]</​del>​
-[[News]]+** For Players ** 
 +  * <del>[[pc|Character Information]]</​del>​ 
 +  * <​del>​[[larprequests|Character Adventure Requests]]</​del>​ 
 +  * <​del>​[[resources:​Adventures|Adventure Summaries]]</​del>​ 
 +  * <​del>​[[resources:​timeline|Setting Timeline]]</​del>​ 
 +  * <​del>​[[resources:​oc_fiction|Fiction set in the world of Curiosity]]</​del>​
 +** Setting Information ** 
 +  * [[History]] 
 +  * [[The Elements]] 
 +  * [[Science and Technology]] 
 +  * [[Politics and Culture]] 
 +  * [[Religion]] 
 +  * [[The New World]] 
 +  * [[Life Aboard Ship]] 
 +  * [[Guilds]] 
 +  * [[Universities]] 
 +  * [[The Churches]] 
 +    * [[The Church of Aria]] 
 +    * [[The Church of Herrel]] 
 +    * [[The Church of Ivasha]] 
 +    * [[The Church of Minn]] 
 +    * [[The Church of Luphesie]] 
 +  * [[Counterculture]] 
 +  * [[Ship Hierarchy]]
 ---- ----
-** Section ​title here **+**Exploration Reports** 
 +  * [[ER:How To Use This Section]] 
 +** System Information ** 
 +  * [[Core Rules]] 
 +  * [[Character Creation]] 
 +  * [[Character Advancement]] 
 +  * Skills 
 +    * [[Core Skills]] 
 +    * [[Priest]] 
 +    * [[Magister]] 
 +    * [[Adept]] 
 +    * [[Crafter]] 
 +    * [[Starfarer]] 
 +  * [[Economy]] 
 +** For GMs ** 
 +  * [[Running an Adventure| Running an Adventure]] 
 +  * [[Rules for Running Adventures]] 
 +  ​<​del>​[[Monsters]]</​del>​ 
 +  ​<​del>​[[Editing the Wiki]]</​del>​ 
-[[Random Link]] 
 ---- ----
 +** Real World **
 +  * <​del>​[[Safety Rules]]</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​[[Social Contract]]</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​[[Meeting Place]]</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​[[Mailing Lists]]</​del>​
contents.1506513989.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/03 14:12 (external edit)