(this is a pre-game writeup of a system which will be more fully developed and explained before the game goes live. It is intended to give an overview of how the system will work, but not to be a complete rules guide at this point. We will attempt to have the full rules ready before the AGM)
Exploration reports are an opportunity for characters to spread the knowledge gained on adventures to the wider community. The exploration reports will be divided into several sections (e.g. features of the colony, metaphysic, flora, fauna, geographical features, etc.) and categorised by tags (e.g. denoting in which elemental zones such things can be found, or highlighting particular features). New sections and tags can be added at the request of players if the LARPO team agrees.
Each exploration report will consist of two parts - a “compiled report” which summarises what is known and accepted by the wider scientific community, and “field reports” which are IC documents written by player characters. After every adventure, the PCs on that adventure may submit field reports, and there will be XP rewards for doing so (up to a cap, expected to be about 1/3 - 2/3 of the XP available for an adventure for describing 2-3 new things). Facilities will be provided to do this on-wiki with an account. NPCs may also submit reports if the GM or any of the monsters wish to, but there is no XP reward for this. GMs of future adventures may submit new field reports/compiled reports of things which could be encountered on that adventure if they wish. Field reports will not generally be reviewed for content or accuracy by the GM team, but frequent submission of deliberately inaccurate field reports is likely to have a detrimental effect on the reputation of your character.
There will be a word limit on field reports (TBD)
The “compiled report” will be edited when there is a clear consensus among the field reports - anyone may submit an updated compiled report for review by the LARPO team, bearing in mind that the compiled report is not from the point of view of any particular character. This may be edited further before publication.
Each compiled report may also include an OOC section, for example presenting stats for a monster.