Several changes will be made to this page before release. We will have an actual economy, with some low-level and utility consumable items, but we are still figuring out the details
While there is a thriving economy of buying and selling in setting, this is mostly below the abstraction layer mechanically. In particular, characters will not have a numerically defined amount of money. Instead, characters may buy skills which represent general levels of wealth. For example, when faced with a warehouse which might potentially contain evidence, a character with no wealth skills will have to rely on their charm and/or wit and/or weapons. A character with moderate wealth may be able to bribe some local vandals to create a distraction, or bribe the guards to take the evening off. A character with a fortune may be able to purchase the warehouse.
All characters may obtain the equipment needed to use their skills between adventures. For example a character with the “use shield” skill can start play with a shield, and easily obtain a new one between adventures if the shield is lost. Obtaining replacement items during adventures may be possible at GM discretion (e.g. by purchasing a new one if the adventure takes place in Landfall, or by requesting a supply drop).