====== Adept Skills ====== Adepts are those who try to understand and master their own bodies. This may come in many forms, but many end up developing in a martial direction. They see the elements through the human lens, and have developed paths that accentuate these. You may pick skills from any path ===== Path of Breath ===== Breath is the element which gives life to all things. Channelling Breath allows adepts to heal others. Most of the skills in this tree require "appropriate roleplay", which should be mystical rather than medical in nature. Such roleplay requires both hands to be used, unless specified. ==== Basic Skills ==== === Stirring Breeze === You may call HEAL ZERO as often as you like to targets in melee range. This skill does not require appropriate roleplay. //XP Cost: 3//\\ //Prerequisite: None//\\ ==== Advanced Skills ==== === Healing Winds === With five (5) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call HEAL 5, on a target in melee range, two (2) times per encounter. //XP Cost: 5//\\ //Prerequisite: Stirring Breeze//\\ === Breath of Life === With five (5) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call HEAL 5, on a target in melee range, three (3) further times per encounter. //XP Cost: 5//\\ //Prerequisite: Healing Winds//\\ === Focussed Breathing === You only require one hand to perform appropriate roleplay for skills in this tree. //XP Cost: 4//\\ //Prerequisite: Healing Winds//\\ === Live, Dammit! === With three (3) seconds of appropriate roleplay you may call HEAL FULL, on a target in melee range, two (2) times per adventure. //XP Cost: 8//\\ //Prerequisite: Focussed Breathing//\\ ==== Capstone Skills ==== === Inhale, Exhale === Whenever you make a HEAL X call (using skills from this tree or other trees, but excluding SELF HEAL calls), you are also healed for half that amount (round down). Whenever you make a HEAL FULL call, you are healed for 5 hits. //XP Cost: 12//\\ //Prerequisite: Live, Dammit!//\\ ---- ===== Path of Spirit ===== The path of Spirit teaches an adept to hone their instincts, highlighting and exposing weak points in their opponent's defence. ==== Basic Skills ==== === Expose Weakness === You may call EXPOSE, by blow, one (1) time per encounter. //XP Cost: 4//\\ //Prerequisite: None//\\ ==== Advanced Skills ==== === Precise Strike === You may call WOUND, by blow, two (2) times per encounter. //XP Cost: 5//\\ //Prerequisite: Expose Weakness//\\ === Savage Blow === You may call STRIKEDOWN, by blow, three (3) times per encounter. //XP Cost: 6//\\ //Prerequisite: Expose Weakness//\\ ==== Capstone Skills ==== === Intuitive Fighting === You may call EXPOSE by blow every ten (10) seconds for one encounter per adventure. //XP Cost: 10//\\ //Prerequisite: Precise Strike//\\ ---- ===== Path of Blood ===== Blood is motion, Blood is transport, Blood connects all things. The path of Blood teaches Adepts to use this connection to move faster than would otherwise be possible. All calls on this tree are reactive calls, meaning that they are not subject to the 5 second rule. ==== Basic Skills ==== === Fluid Grip === When you are struck in melee you may call a ranged DISARM ALL against the person who struck you, one (1) time per encounter. //XP Cost: 4//\\ //Prerequisite: None//\\ ==== Advanced Skills ==== === Ebb and Flow === When an enemy uses a TAUNT or REPEL call against you, you may call a ranged TAUNT or REPEL against that enemy, two (2) times per encounter. //XP Cost: 6//\\ //Prerequisite: Fluid Grip//\\ === Blood Calls to Blood === When an enemy uses a ranged call against one of your allies, you may call a ranged EMPOWERED TAUNT against that enemy, one (1) time per encounter. //XP Cost: 6//\\ //Prerequisite: Fluid Grip//\\ ==== Capstone Skills ==== === Exsanguination === When you are reduced to zero hits, you may call MONSTERS QUINT, one (1) time per adventure. If you do this, then you are immediately unconscious (as if you had been hit while on your death count). //XP Cost: 12//\\ //Prerequisite: Blood Calls to Blood//\\ ---- ===== Path of Body ===== The Path of Body is the most inwardly focussed of the paths, allowing the Adept to reinforce their own flesh and endure great pain. ==== Basic Skills ==== === Endurance === You begin every encounter under the effects of FORTIFY. You may call SELF FORTIFY one (1) time per encounter. //XP Cost: 8//\\ //Prerequisite: None//\\ ==== Advanced Skills ==== === Repair the Flesh === You may call SELF HEAL 4 one (1) time per encounter. //XP Cost: 5//\\ //Prerequisite: Endurance//\\ === Steel Defence === You may call RESIST to any EMPOWERED call, taking the call as if it was not EMPOWERED. //XP Cost: 10//\\ //Prerequisite: Endurance//\\ ==== Capstone Skills ==== === Immovable Object === Once per adventure, you may Stand Your Ground. While you remain in the same spot, you are IMMUNE to WOUND, STRIKEDOWN, TAUNT, ENRAGE and REPEL, and may call TAUNT whenever you do not have an enemy in melee range. //XP Cost: 12//\\ //Prerequisite: Steel Defence//\\ ---- ===== Path of Mind ===== ==== Basic Skills ==== === Flashing Blades === You may call TAUNT, at range, one (1) time per encounter. //XP Cost: 3//\\ //Prerequisite: None//\\ ==== Advanced Skills ==== === Attention Grabbing === You may called ARCED TAUNT one (1) time per encounter. //XP Cost: 5//\\ //Prerequisite: Flashing Blades//\\ === Sense Overwhelming === You may call STUN, at range, one (1) time per encounter. //XP Cost: 5//\\ //Prerequisite: Flashing Blades//\\ ==== Capstone Skills ==== === I've Got Your Back === For one (1) encounter in adventure, you may nominate a target who you are defending. Any time you may make a call (i.e. obeying the 5 second rule) you may choose to call STUN at range on someone attacking this target. //XP Cost: 10//\\ //Prerequisite: Attention Grabbing **AND** Sense Overwhelming//\\